How The Ion Cell Foot Bath Works

At Allergy and Health Solutions Center your bare feet are placed into a warm basin of water that is attached to the grounded Alimtox Ion Cell Cleanse machine.
The ion foot bath generates a stream of positive and negative ions. These ions attract and attach themselves to toxic particles in your body.
For the next 30 minutes, the ions enter your body and begin to neutralize your tissues acidic waste.
The Alimtox Ion Cell Cleanse not only helps to detoxify but can energetically boost and balance your body. That’s why so many of our clients report that they “feel great!” after a foot bath treatment.
Chinese medicine refers to these complex energy fields as “chi.”
How Long Does A Detox Foot Bath Take?
The foot bath itself takes 30 minutes, which encompasses one full 20 minute blood circulation cycle.
Children ages 10 and older benefit from the Ion Cell Foot Bath, too.
After receiving a treatment with our Alimtox Ion Cell Cleanse, your body will continue to remove the ions carrying the molecular debris over the next 2-3 days. This happens through normal excretion modes of sweat, urine, and defecation.

Healing Benefits of Having a Foot Bath
The Ion Foot Bath will cleanse, balance, and refresh your body and:
- Increase Energy / Stamina
- Reduce Arthritis aches and Rheumatoid relief
- Drainage of Lymph systems & swollen glands
- Improve Sexual Health
- Improve Body PH Level
- PMS / Menopause Systems / Cramps
- Weight Control (Improved Metabolism)
- Improve circulation
- Improve Memory and Sleep
- Improve Acne & Skin problems
- Improve Liver & Kidney function
- Improve Headaches & Migraines
- Help detox parasites
- Help with brain fog, depression, and PTSD
- Internally cleanse with a full body purge
- Detox acid wastes, chemicals, and heavy metals
Why Detoxify Your Body?
Acids, heavy metals, & residues left in the body from chemicals, foods, environmental pollutants, even medicines lower your body’s pH.
Blood pH should be slightly alkaline in the range of 7.35-7.45 for healthy function. If the blood pH level becomes too acidic, inflammation can occur as well as other symptoms and conditions including cancer.
At Allergy and Health Solutions Center we believe moderation and balance are key. Becoming too alkaline can also be problematic.
How Many Detox Foot Baths Should I Do?
We recommend 5-7 treatments scheduled once a week.
Results are immediately visible as the ions are released through the feet into the water basin.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are diabetic, you must eat before receiving treatment with the Ion Cell Detox Foot Bath.
Who Should NOT use the Ion Cell Detox Foot Bath?
- Women who are pregnant or lactating
- Children under the age of 5
- People who have a pacemaker
- People who have had an organ transplant
- People undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment (must wait until 1 month after completion of these treatments)
- People who are taking medication for epilepsy
- People with wounds on their feet
- People who have a hangover from drinking
- People taking more than 10mg of blood thinner medication
- People currently fasting (you must have a healthy meal and be properly hydrated for this treatment)
Foot Detox Bath Color Post Treatment
The color of the Foot Detox Bath color will vary depending upon what toxins are being released from your body.
The table shows what the colors in the water represent.
yellow-green | Detoxifying from the kidney, bladder, urinary tract, female/prostate area |
orange | Detoxifying from joints |
brown | Detoxifying from liver, tobacco, cellular debris |
black | Detoxifying from liver |
dark green | Detoxifying from gallbladder |
white foam | lymphatic system |
white-cheese-like particles | yeast |
black flecks | heavy metals |
red flecks | blood clot material |
Ion Cell Detox Foot Bath Treatment Price
- $45; 30 minute sessions